Marshall Islands Resort i Majuro

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Majuro, Majuro Atoll, Marshallinseln
Kontakter telefon: +692 625-2525
Latitude: 7.0864879, Longitude: 171.3734526
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Kommentar 5

  • Reuven Nathanson

    Reuven Nathanson


    Clean room. Good air conditioning. Average bed comfort.

  • Melanie Jorlanin Elbon

    Melanie Jorlanin Elbon


    Kwe im Jikin kapad eo am😆

  • Lee Arkhie Perez

    Lee Arkhie Perez


    The resort is strategically located near the city center. It is clean. They have good food and charming staffs.

  • Bryce Caster

    Bryce Caster


    The lesser of the two "decent" hotels on the island. There was a weird smell permeating the property. The restaurant was out of half of everything on the menu. Wifi was an outrageous $10 and barely worked. If this was anywhere other than the Marshall Islands, it would definitely be a 1 star.

  • Jeffery Warren

    Jeffery Warren


    You need to set your expectations right. It's clean and the people are great. We were here six years ago, and much has been remodeled and updated since then. The cable and internet leave much to be desired, but that's the country, not the hotel. The beds are comfortable, and the AC pushed the room to too cold... There are occasional ants and roaches, but it is the deep Pacific, so they're expected. No real flying bug problem, with just the occasional fly where there's food served. Have only seen one little roach in our room, which is many fewer than our last visit.

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