Payless Super Market i Majuro

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🕗 Åbningstider

Majuro, Majuro Atoll, RMI
Kontakter telefon: +692 247-7393
Latitude: 7.1068693, Longitude: 171.3746082
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Kommentar 5

  • Marshall Sims

    Marshall Sims


    Good selection given the location. Staff are very friendly and professional.

  • lynn ht

    lynn ht


    I think you can find just about everything you need here, including groceries, prepared food, and great souvenir t-shirts and handicrafts.

  • Bryce Caster

    Bryce Caster


    This is the largest supermarket in all of Majuro. A good amount of the good are expired and they sold me defective snorkeling equipment. That said, they have air conditioning and they accept credit cards.

  • Joshua Parker

    Joshua Parker


    Considering you're in the middle of the ocean with nothing nearby, decent selection of grocery items with a sprinkling of random toys, gadgets, electronics. Also has an ATM and takes credit cards.

  • Ben Sperry

    Ben Sperry


    The best place to shop if you are looking for a western shopping experience. You can get most things you can get in the states plus great local fish. They do take credit cards. How well the produce is stocked depends on how recently a shipment has come in.

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