RRE Hotel and Restaurant i Majuro

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Majuro, Majuro Atoll, RMI
Kontakter telefon: +692 625-5131
Hjemmeside: www.rreinc.com
Latitude: 7.1094132, Longitude: 171.3709553
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Honeth

    Michael Honeth


    Nice hotel and restaurant. Very nice bungalows.

  • Joseph Pedro

    Joseph Pedro


    Wonderful View, service is superb and very clean and organize.

  • Bryce Caster

    Bryce Caster


    Easily the best hotel in Majuro. Their restaurant is also pretty good. They also run daily boat tours to Eneko, their private island with a beach!

  • penny ellis

    penny ellis


    I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at this centrally located, friendly, family-run hotel. My upstairs room was cheerful, with local handicrafts decorating the walls. The air-con was ice cold, but if I wanted fresh air (at night), I could open the verandah door as there was a mosquito screen in place. The food was very very good. A favourite of mine was the Super Scrambled eggs on their breakfast menu. The very helpful staff on reception assisted me with car hire, guides, and general local information. And they always welcomed me back from my excursions with big smiles. I can highly recommend this hotel.

  • John Gois

    John Gois


    Great People, Great Service, Great Property. The beach front bungalow is a wonderful surprise. Right on the water, you can jump off your balcony into the lagoon for a swim in nice warm crystal clear water. The two room bungalow features vaulted ceilings, beautiful wood floors and exposed beams. The internet is fast enough to use facetime to show your friends and family at home how beautiful it is. They have room service and one of the two most frequented bars/restaurants on the island. No better place on the island to stay.

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